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Elysian Seasons Newsletter, April 2017 April 19, 2017 |
Dear Subscribers! Welcome to our first edition of the Elysian Seasons newsletter! Haven't we been having some glorious weather lately? The colours of the leaves throughout Canberra is a sight to behold! On that note though, they do fall to the ground and create quite a mess in our gardens. One thing we're regularly asked is, "can I compost my leaves?". The short answer is, "yes!" and it is a great cost-saving addition to your Spring garden as the leaves are full of nutrients that can be returned to the soil. There are a couple of steps to getting a good result from the leaf litter. Here's how to do it: 1) Rake up your leaves into low piles It takes between 4-6 months to make a leaf litter compost so if you rake them up early Autumn, you'll be good to go come Springtime! They break down into a crumbly mixture which is great to use either as a mulch for your Spring seedlings or to add to your existing compost to make it spread further. But! If this all seems like a lot of hard work, you could just give Daniel a ring to rake and take them away for you! ☺
On another note, we now sell GIFT VOUCHERS!, and Mother's Day is coming up soon... (wink wink). Why not gift your Mother a garden tidy up? The vouchers are transferrable and valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. You specify the amount! Give us a call for more information.
Wishing you all a lovely and relaxing Autumn. Georgia and Daniel. |
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